Notable Trends in Steam Hardware Survey Memory and OS Usage

TapTechNews June 3rd news, Steam has recently released its monthly hardware survey report, and there are some notable trends.

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TapTechNews noticed that although currently most Steam players still use 16GB of memory (accounting for 47.08%), many players are rapidly migrating to 32GB. The proportion of players using 32GB of memory is 28.72%, although still in the second place, it has increased by 0.63% compared to last month and is the largest increase among all memory configurations.

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On the other hand, the proportion of 16GB memory has decreased significantly by 1.18%. Combined with the changes in other percentages, 0.78% of 16GB users have upgraded their memory, and the remaining 0.4% seems to have downgraded their memory configuration.

The proportion of 8GB memory players has increased by 0.16%. This may be attributed to the fact that some ultrabooks and gaming laptops still come with 8GB of memory by default, or it may be related to Apple, because except for the 16-inch MacBook Pro, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro, all Macs and MacBooks come with 8GB of memory as standard.

Another interesting trend among Steam users is the increase in the usage rate of other operating systems. Windows is still the mainstream, and Windows 10 users account for 50.35% of the total user group. The market share of Windows 11 is also slowly increasing, and its proportion has increased by 0.93% to 46.08%.

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In addition to the slow increase of Windows 11, the increase of Linux users is the most impressive. The share of Steam users of Linux has increased from 1.9% last month to 2.32%, an increase of 0.42%. Although it is not as large as the increase of Windows, for the relatively small number of Linux user groups, this is a significant change.

With Apple introducing the game mode through macOS Sonoma, its Steam user share has increased by 0.12% to 1.47%.
