OpenAI's Jason Kwon on the Future of AGI and Its Potential Impacts

TapTechNews August 15th news, the South Korean media ChosunIlbo announced on Tuesday local time the interview content with OpenAI's chief strategy officer Jason Kwon on August 7. Jason Kwon is responsible for overseeing the future strategic formulation of OpenAI, dealing with ethical and legal issues surrounding AI, and also participating in technical development.

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TapTechNews summarizes the main contents of the dialogue as follows:

Jason Kwon believes that it may take several years for key technologies to develop to artificial general intelligence (AGI). We internally assume that this may come sooner than expected, so we are correspondingly preparing safety measures. Although the industry believes that AGI may appear in three to five years, Jason Kwon thinks this time point will come earlier.

But he also said: We won't suddenly release an all-encompassing AI overnight. because to avoid major social impacts. Although the development of AGI technology is already quite advanced, its progress is carefully managed to prevent potential negative consequences. We assume that this technology will be achieved soon and are looking for an appropriate management method. However, the existence of the technology does not mean it will immediately become a product. This is similar to after the invention of electricity, lamps and electrical appliances didn't appear the next day. There may be a long time delay between the development of core technologies and their application in society.

When it comes to whether humans have the ability to deal with the potential threats brought by AGI, Jason Kwon believes that no one knows exactly when AGI will arrive, but enterprises need to be prepared. My job is to provide insights on the potential psychological and economic impacts of AGI, provide advice on the necessary laws, and guide enterprises on how to cooperate with global governments. We always believe that AI should be regulated, and this commitment has never changed.
