Andreessen Horowitz Releases New 'Top 100 Consumer-Generated AI Applications' List

TapTechNews August 23rd news, the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (also known as a16z) released a blog post on August 21st, announcing the latest 'Top 100 Consumer-Generated AI Applications' list.

a16z Company Profile

Andreessen Horowitz, also known as a16z, is an American private venture capital firm founded by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz in 2009.

The company is headquartered in Menlo Park, California, USA. From 2006 to 2010, Andreessen and Horowitz were both active investors in technology companies, and they jointly invested 80 million US dollars in 45 start-up companies such as Twitter.

Report Profile

The report is released every 6 months. Through in-depth research, it publishes reports on AI web products (monthly independent visits) and AI mobile applications (monthly active users), and announces the top 50 list. Compared to the previous March 2024 report, nearly 30% of the companies in this one are new.

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Report Content

According to the latest TOP 50 list of AI mobile applications, Meitu's Meitu XiuXiu ranked 9th, being the only Chinese product to enter the top ten. TapTechNews attaches a screenshot of the report as follows:

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ByteDance occupied 6 seats in the two lists. Among them, in the AI mobile application, Doubao entered the list for the first time and ranked 26th. ByteDance's photo and video editor Hypic and assistant Cici are also on the list, ranking 19th and 34th respectively.

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It is reported that ByteDance vigorously develops web-based AI products, and three applications including its educational technology platform Gauth (44th), robot developer Coze (45th), and general assistant Doubao (47th) made the list for the first time.

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