Google and vivo Release Android 15 Beta Version at 2024 I/O Conference

TapTechNews May 15 news, Google officially released the Android 15 Beta version operating system at the I/O developer conference in 2024 early this morning, and vivo announced that it will become the first batch of smartphone manufacturers to adapt to the Android 15 Beta version.

vivo has completed the development and adaptation of the Android 15 Beta version on the vivo X100 and iQOO12 models to help more developers experience the new Android version features in advance. Developers can go to the vivo open platform official website to download and experience it in advance.

TapTechNews Note: The initial version of the vivo Android 15 developer preview version is only available to developers. For ordinary users, the official strongly advises against using it.

vivo X100 Phone Android 15 Beta version known issues:

1. Some third-party applications have compatibility issues

2. Some features in settings cannot be used

3. Some UI interface displays abnormally

4. The system has a low probability of restarting

5. Abnormal display when opening photos in the album

iQOO12 Phone Android 15 Beta version known issues:

1. Camera randomly crashes

2. Probability of not recognizing sim card after upgrade

3. Some third-party applications have compatibility issues

4. Some features in settings cannot be used

5. Some UI interface displays abnormally

Upgrade steps:

(1) Download the vivo X100 or iQOO12 developer preview version firmware package.

(2) After connecting the device to the computer, switch the phone's USB setting to file transfer mode, and copy the downloaded firmware package to the root directory of the phone storage.

(3) Follow the above steps and go to Settings->System Management and Upgrade->System Upgrade->Upgrade Settings->Local Upgrade to click on the upgrade package. Wait for verification to complete before starting the upgrade.

(4) Wait for the phone to upgrade automatically.

vivo Android 15 developer preview version update plan:

On May 15, 2024, the vivo developer preview version will be launched based on Android 15 Beta 1;

Before the official release of Android 15, vivo will continue to update the Android 15 Beta version;

After the official release of Android 15, vivo will remove the developer preview version.
