XPeng Huitian's 'Land Aircraft Carrier' Starts Summer Standard Test

TapTechNews August 9th news, XPeng Huitian disclosed today that since the end of July, the power mule car of the 'land aircraft carrier' has officially started the summer standard test to meet the comprehensive challenges of the high temperature and high altitude environment in the 'three highs' test.

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After 4 months of in-plant debugging, function testing and performance optimization, XPeng Huitian's test team officially set out with the power mule car of the 'land aircraft carrier' to Turpan in Xinjiang and Qilian Mountains in Qinghai to carry out comprehensive tests.

TapTechNews learned that a 'MuleCar' refers to a prototype vehicle dedicated to the testing and development stage. This kind of vehicle usually integrates newly designed components or systems (such as power systems, suspension systems, electronic equipment, etc.) onto an existing vehicle platform so that engineers can test and evaluate them under actual road conditions.

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XPeng Huitian emphasized that the mule car is modified based on the existing model and is not equal to the final form of the model. Without completely exposing the design details, engineers can test the subsystems and vehicle performance on the mule car according to the test requirements to discover potential problems earlier, thereby reducing the development risk. And this summer standard test of the power mule car is mainly to verify and calibrate the power assembly of the 'land aircraft carrier'.

The 'three highs' test refers to the tests of extremely cold, high temperature and high altitude, specifically as follows:

High temperature test - mainly assesses the heat management system and battery safety performance of the car in a high temperature environment.

High altitude test - detects the electrical safety and the stability of the motor and electric control system of the car in a high-altitude and low-oxygen environment.

Extremely cold test - carried out at extremely low temperatures to test the chemical reaction rate of the battery, the response of the heating system and the discharge performance and low-temperature protection mechanism of the battery.

XPeng Motors previously announced that the split flying car 'land aircraft carrier' will open for booking in the fourth quarter of this year and is planned to start mass production and delivery in the fourth quarter of next year.
