Apple Introduces iOS18 with Visual Optimizations and New Features

TapTechNews on June 12th. At today's early morning WWDC24 developers conference, Apple presented the iOS18 operating system. This major version update brings many visual optimizations.

TapTechNews noted that in the first developers preview version of iOS18, Apple has added a physical key press animation. When users press the volume key or power key, a 'queeze effect' will appear at the key position, and this effect can adjust the speed according to the user's pressing frequency.

It is worth noting that in iOS18, at the volume key position, both the volume bar and the key effect appear simultaneously. Apple seldom adds an overlapping effect on the premise of the existing interaction logic, which is generally used as a transition during the functional iterative period, such as 3DTouch to HapticTouch.


In addition, Apple has also introduced the shutdown function in the control center, which means that shutdown can be achieved without pressing the power key, or paving the way for the launch of solid-state buttons.


Previously, it was rumored that the iPhone 15 Pro model would be equipped with solid-state buttons, but due to technical problems that could not be overcome before mass production, the solid-state button design, which has received high market attention, of the iPhone 15 Pro series (Pro/ProMax) has been cancelled and changed back to the original physical button design.

TapTechNews reported earlier that insiders in the supply chain hinted that the iPhone 16 Pro series might be capacitive buttons. The iPhone 16 Pro will eliminate all physical buttons, and the existing button positions remain unchanged and still protrude, reducing the openings on the border. The shutdown method is still the combination of power key + volume key.

Apple WWDC24 Developer Conference Keynote Topic
