Huawei's Cangjie Programming Language A New Milestone in the Field of Programming Languages

TapTechNews July 9th news, at the keynote speech of the HDC 2024 Huawei Developer Conference on June 21st, Gong Ti, the president of the Software Department of Huawei Terminal BG, officially announced Huawei's self-developed Cangjie programming language. This language has gone through 5 years of research and development and precipitation, and has now opened for developer preview.

Half a month later, at the Huawei sub-forum of the ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference TURC 2024 held on July 7th, Feng Xinyu, the chief architect of the Cangjie programming language, disclosed that the number of applications for the trial use of the Hongmeng preview version of the Cangjie programming language has exceeded 11,000, and the number of applications within 24 hours on the day of release exceeded 5,000 people.

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Gao Yaoqing, the chief scientist of Huawei Compiler and Programming Language, also gave a keynote report at the ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference TURC 2024, centering on the Cangjie programming language, the Bisheng compiler and the Bifang IDE, showing developers the new achievements of Huawei in programming and compilation technology.

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After the meeting, Yannis loannidis, the president of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), came to the Huawei Cangjie programming language booth and had exchanges and discussions with Gao Yaoqing and Feng Xinyu.

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Yannis loannidis pointed out that in recent years, Chinese computer scholars have contributed a lot of wisdom to the world, and 27% of the papers are contributed by Chinese scholars. China is gradually entering the deep waters of computer science. The birth of the Cangjie programming language also represents that China is gradually emerging in the field of programming languages.

TapTechNews note: The ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference TURC 2024 (ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference TURC 2024) was held in Changsha from July 5th to 7th, 2024.

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This conference is hosted by ACM, in cooperation with CCF. Vinton Cerf, the father of the Internet, Academician Mei Hong, the former president of the China Computer Federation, and Academician Liao Xiangke serve as the chairmen of the academic steering committee, and Hunan Vice Governor and Changsha Mayor Zhou Haibing and Hunan University Vice President Li Kenli and others serve as the co-chairmen of the conference.

The conference focuses on the t heme of Connected, Intelligent, Trusted, and Digital for a Future!, and domestic and foreign academic experts and professors including ACM Turing Award winners share their views on cutting-edge technologies and artificial intelligence and discuss the future of computing science.

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