Chinese Market Regulator Drafts New Rules Against Electronic Weighing Scale Fraud

TapTechNews June 22nd news. Recently, some illegal operators have used electronic weighing scales to commit measurement fraud, which seriously violates the concept of honest business operation, damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and disrupts the fair competition environment in the market, causing heated discussions online.

Chinese Market Regulator Drafts New Rules Against Electronic Weighing Scale Fraud_0

In order to resolutely curb the measurement illegal act of short weight, the State Administration for Market Regulation has drafted the Announcement on Strictly Prohibiting the Implementation of Electronic Weighing Scale Measurement Fraud (Draft for Public Consultation) (hereinafter referred to as the Draft for Public Consultation), and now it is open to the public for consultation. The deadline for feedback is July 19th, 2024.

Chinese Market Regulator Drafts New Rules Against Electronic Weighing Scale Fraud_1

The Draft for Public Consultation announces the following regarding the regulation of the production, sale, repair, use, and management of electronic weighing scales:

1. Strictly prohibit the production of electronic weighing scale products without type approval.

2. Strictly prohibit electronic weighing scale manufacturers from arbitrarily changing the approved type and leaving a back door for illegal modification.

3. Strictly prohibit the sale of electronic weighing scales without information such as factory name, address, specification model, type approval mark and number, qualification mark, and intact lead seal.

4. Strictly prohibit the sale of electronic weighing scales with cheating characteristics.

5. Strictly prohibit illegal and irregular repair, modification of electronic weighing scales or providing technical services for modification.

6. Strictly prohibit the use of electronic weighing scales that have not been verified, failed the verification, exceeded the verification cycle, have no verification qualification mark, and have the cheating function.

7. Strictly prohibit the implementation of measurement fraud and deception of consumers using electronic weighing scales.

8. Strictly prohibit the organizer of the farmers' market from not fulfilling the metrological management responsibilities, including not formulating metrological management systems, not setting up fair scales, and not registering and documenting the electronic weighing scales that belong to compulsory verification used.

The Draft for Public Consultation also mentioned that market regulatory departments at all levels should strengthen the whole-chain supervision and inspection of the production, sale, repair, and use of electronic weighing scales. Once any violation of the provisions of this announcement is found, it will be severely punished in accordance with laws and regulations; if suspected of a crime, it will be transferred to the public security organ. Consumers and all sectors of society are welcome to actively supervise. If the above prohibited behaviors are found, they can be reported through the 12315 hotline or the national 12315 platform. This announcement will take effect from the date of its release.

TapTechNews attaches the feedback methods:

1. Log in to the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation (website:, enter the Collection and Survey under the Interacti on column on the homepage to put forward opinions.

2. Send an email to:, and please mark Comments on the 'Announcement on Strictly Prohibiting the Implementation of Electronic Weighing Scale Measurement Fraud' in the email subject.

3. Mail to: Law Enforcement Inspection Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, No. 9 Madian East Road, Haidian District, Beijing (Postal code: 100088), and please mark Comments on the 'Announcement on Strictly Prohibiting the Implementation of Electronic Weighing Scale Measurement Fraud' on the envelope.
