British and Japanese Scientists Fabricate World's Strongest Iron-Based Superconducting Magnet

TapTechNews June 12th news, British and Japanese scientists have successfully fabricated the world's strongest iron-based superconducting magnet using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The related paper was published in the journal Asian Materials.

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Superconducting magnets can provide a strong and stable magnetic field without the need for a large amount of electricity. Currently, the superconductors used in such magnets are mainly large coils such as superconducting niobium-tin alloy wires. Due to the need for the magnet to adapt to the size of the coil, this limits their application range.

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Researchers from King's College London in the UK said that they used the BOXVIA machine learning system to develop a framework that allows for much faster design of superconducting magnets in the laboratory.

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They trained BOXVIA by changing parameters related to the performance of superconducting magnets such as heat and time in the manufacturing process, and obtained the optimal design of superconducting magnets.

Previously, it took scientists months to create a magnet and test its characteristics. The new method significantly shortens the time. The superconducting magnet developed by the new method has a different structure from the superconducting magnet not using BOXVIA production, and the iron-based crystal in the former magnet is larger.
