Sword Net 3 Boundless Open Beta Announcement

TapTechNews May 26th news, the game Sword Net 3: Boundless officially announced the official launch date of the game's open beta test in the live event held tonight, which is June 13th, and the pre-download will start on June 6th.

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According to the introduction, the PC flagship terminal, notebook high-speed terminal and mobile interoperability terminal of Sword Net 3: Boundless inherit and interoperate with the data of the three terminals.

TapTechNews attached the game's open beta test benefits as follows:

Zero-dollar purchase for pre-order rewards, and when reaching the full level, a free sect-selected rubbing coupon is given, and the rubbing appearance is half-price for 46 consecutive days.

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Free custom body shape times, freehand face pinching times, realistic face pinching times, and the face/body shape pinching is half-price for 46 consecutive days.

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On May 30th, all players will be exempt from the game time card, and a custom particle special effect orange weapon and Fangtian Water Mirror will be given for free.

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Two sets of custom blueprint furniture, housekeeper knights and sweet potato titles will be given for free.

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