Microsoft Working on Adjusting Windows 11's Recall Feature

TapTechNews Jun 8th. Microsoft Chief Research Scientist Jaime Teevan restated that Windows 11's Recall function runs locally and is encrypted for storage. Today, Microsoft officially stated through the Window Experience blog that it is currently working hard to adjust Recall to ease users' concerns.

 Microsoft Working on Adjusting Windows 11s Recall Feature_0

Microsoft Vice President Pavan Davuluri, who is in charge of the Windows+Devices team, did not apologize for the security vulnerability exposed by Recall previously, only stating that some adjustments are being made to ease users' concerns.

TapTechNews translated part of the blog post as follows:

Firstly, we are updating the Copilot+PC settings experience to allow users to more clearly choose whether to use the Recall function to save screenshots. If the user does not actively choose to turn it on, by default it will be off.

Secondly, the user needs to enable Windows Hello to use Recall, and in addition, the user needs to authenticate when viewing the timeline and searching.

Again, Microsoft has added more levels of data protection, including just-in-time decryption protected by Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security (ESS), so the Recall snapshot can only be decrypted and accessed after the user is authenticated. In addition, Microsoft has also encrypted the search index database.
