ByteDance's Doubao Launches Music Generation Function with Multiple Features

TapTechNews August 8th news, ByteDance's intelligent AI assistant, Doubao, launched a music generation function today. Users can input a theme or their own lyrics in Doubao's 'Music Generation', set the music style, mood and timbre, and quickly generate a song with lyrics about 1 minute long.

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Currently, Doubao's music generation function provides 11 music styles such as folk, hip-hop, R&B, etc., which also includes relatively niche music styles such as jazz, reggae, and electronic music. Users can choose male or female singing. The generated voice shows good performance in the clarity and fluency of enunciation. At the same time, to make AI music better fit the emotional expression of ordinary users, Doubao preset various emotional states such as happiness and sadness.

For example, after a bike ride, input the description of 'a person cycling in the summer evening and seeing the orange sunset in the distance', set the 'R&B' style and the 'romantic' mood, Doubao will automatically write and generate a relevant music and lyrics, and generate the song cover automatically according to the lyrics. At the same time, the song also supports one-click sharing to social platforms such as Douyin.

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In addition, Doubao also provides music templates in the web version. Users can choose the template according to their own preferences and fill in relevant information to generate their favorite music.

TapTechNews noticed that at this stage, the music duration generated by Doubao does not exceed 1 minute, and the number of lyrics does not exceed 200. The relevant person in charge of Doubao said that the music generation ability has just been launched and there are various aspects to be improved. Doubao hopes that this function can inspire the creativity of more people and let them express their moods and share their stories in the form of music.
