NetApp Reports High Percentage of Unused Data in Company Storage

TapTechNews June 22nd news, NetApp, a provider of enterprise data infrastructure, reports that up to 70% - 80% of the data stored in some companies is unused.

 NetApp Reports High Percentage of Unused Data in Company Storage_0

Matt Watts, NetApp's chief technology evangelist, recently told TheRegister that storage accounts for 15% to 20% of the power consumption in data centers (about 33% to 44% of the power consumption in a data center).

TapTechNews looked up public information and found that NetApp provides data tools for clients such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. NetApp released a report on solving the data waste problem last April.

Watts initially reported that approximately 41% of the stored data had never been accessed, but later he revised the data in certain areas to more than twice that amount.

Most IT leaders believe that reducing unneeded data helps reduce carbon emissions, but many companies lack sufficient motivation to advance, the first is the time issue, and the second is that it is too difficult to distinguish valuable data from useless data.
