ByteDance's Doubao Launches Desktop Client with Multiple features

On June 3, TapTechNews reported that ByteDance's Doubao launched a desktop client, supporting Windows and macOS.

TapTechNews attached the download link: Click here for Windows / Click here for macOS

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TapTechNews found that the ByteDance's Doubao desktop client is based on Chromium, which is commonly known as a wrapped browser.

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ByteDance's Doubao can set up quick start and can also access local applications or files.

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ByteDance's Doubao supports AI word selection. After selecting the text, it can provide AI-assisted functions such as search, translation, interpretation, and summarization.

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ByteDance's Doubao supports AI search. By clicking Ask Doubao or AI search, it can search the internet content through AI, and can also use search engines such as Baidu and Toutiao Search.

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ByteDance's Doubao supports AI companion reading PDF, provides Chinese-English translation comparison, and can also summarize the full text content with one click.

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By clicking the pin button on the upper right corner, Doubao can be pinned to the edge of the desktop. When using other applications, you can also ask questions to AI.

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