#AI functions#

New Snapdragon 8Gen4 Phone Specs, Expected to Be Xiaomi 15 Standard Version

A mysterious Snapdragon 8Gen4 mid-sized phone's specs are revealed, likely to be Xiaomi 15 standard version, with features like smaller 1.5K screen, large-aperture camera, and more. Learn about its details here.

OnePlus Ace3Pro New Features and Upcoming Launch

The OnePlus Ace3Pro has new features like Live Photos, AI erasing and cutout. It has various specs and will be launched with other products on June 27th.

Adobe to Add Image Generation Functions to Acrobat with FireflyImage3

Adobe will add image generation and other AI functions to Acrobat. Learn more here.

ByteDance's Doubao Launches Desktop Client with Multiple features

ByteDance's Doubao desktop client, supporting Windows and macOS, offers various features like Chromium-based, AI word selection, and more.

Xueersi Learning Machine's Intelligent Assistant Upgraded with New AI Functions

The built-in intelligent assistant of Xueersi learning machine has been upgraded, adding multiple new AI functions. Learn about it.

MediaTek Launches Pentonic 800 for 4K 165Hz VRR Screens

MediaTek introduces new high-end TV/monitor processor Pentonic 800 with 4K 165Hz VRR support and various features, including AI functions.

Apple to Integrate Generative AI in iOS18 with OpenAI, May Announce at WWDC2024

Apple has reached an agreement with OpenAI for iOS18, may announce at WWDC2024 and includes various AI functions.

Apple's iOS 18 and Its Future AI Functions

Apple's iOS 18 may have AI functions labeled as beta or preview, with various features and potential partnerships with OpenAI and Google. 150 characters or less.

Meizu Flyme AIOS Internal Testing Starts Today

Meizu Flyme AIOS internal testing begins. Features like consecutive conversation, web page summary, and more. Some users report issues. Learn about it here.

Adobe to Utilize Gemini Nano in Android Acrobat for AI Features

Adobe plans to use Gemini Nano for AI features in the new Android version of Acrobat, with faster response and no data consumption.

Meizu's Flyme AIOS Features and Updates

Meizu announces the opening of Flyme AIOS internal test channel, with various AI features and updates in image processing and more.

iReader Technology Updates SmartOS2.0 System for Four Models

iReader Technology announces the push of SmartOS2.0 system for four models with various optimizations and new features.

Meizu Introduces New Flyme AIOS with Enhanced AI Functions

Meizu unveils the new Flyme AIOS with advanced AI capabilities, including live conversation, AI search, image processing, and more. Explore the latest features and enhancements from the Meizu new product launch event.

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3Pro Passes FCC Certification, Expected Launch at Galaxy Unpacked Event

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3Pro earphones have passed FCC certification and are rumored to be launched at the upcoming Galaxy Unpacked event. Learn about the potential features and improvements of the new earphones.

Google Integrates Gemini AI Model into Calendar, Tasks, and Keep Apps at I/O 2024

Google integrates the Gemini model into Google Calendar, Tasks, and Keep apps at the I/O 2024 developer conference, bringing richer AI functions to users.