Micron's New DRAM Memory Wafer Factories' Operational Timeline and Plans

TapTechNews June 28 news, Micron stated in its earnings presentation that its new DRAM memory wafer factories in Boise, Idaho, the US headquarters, and Clay, New York will officially come into operation in fiscal years 2027 and 2028 respectively:


The Idaho wafer factory will not contribute to meaningful bit supply until fiscal 2027, and the construction capital expenditure in New York is not expected to contribute to bit supply growth until fiscal 2028 or later.

Original text:

This Idaho fab will not contribute to meaningful bits supply until fiscal 2027 and the New York construction capexis not expected to contribute to bits supply growth until fiscal 2028 or later.

Micron's fiscal year starts in the previous calendar year September and ends in the same calendar year August. In other words, the new wafer factory in Boise, Idaho will come into operation from September 2026 to August 2027, and the first wafer factory in Clay, New York will enter the formal production stage from September 2027 to August 2028.

Micron also said it will manage the timeline of future equipment expenditures for these wafer factories to keep supply growth in line with expected demand growth.

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Micron previously announced that it will spend $50 billion (TapTechNews note: currently about 364.233 billion yuan) to build one and two advanced DRAM memory wafer factories in Boise and Clay respectively by 2030, and will also invest $75 billion to build another two memory wafer factories in Clay.

According to the preliminary agreement, the US federal government will give Micron up to $6.14 billion in direct subsidies and $7.5 billion in loan support, and the New York state government will also provide incentive measures worth $5.5 billion.

Micron has not started the construction of the Clay wafer factory in New York state yet. Bloomberg reported earlier that two endangered bat species currently live on the project site, and Micron needs to wait until the bats enter hibernation before it can cut down trees in the bats' summer habitat.

Micron responded to the British media The Register in this regard, saying that environmental approval issues such as the bat habitat have long been incorporated into its construction schedule, with the goal of starting the project construction in early 2025.
