Tencent Games Announces Test Recruitment for Peace Elite Simulator High Definition Version

TapTechNews July 9th news, the official internal test platform of Tencent Games announced today that the test recruitment for Peace Elite Simulator High Definition Version has started. The game has deep adaptation for mouse and keyboard operations, opens ultra-high definition 120 frames, and at the same time the resolution is increased to 2K.

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The recruitment deadline: Expected July 15th

The test start time: Mid-July

According to the recruitment requirements, this test is for the PC-end high-definition version simulator, and the players participating in the test need to use computer equipment to enter the game.

Android players can register for recruitment in the 【Internal Test】zone through the 【Tencent Pioneer】App; iOS players can register in the WeChat - Tencent Pioneer mini-program.

Peace Elite is a domestic mobile game of the anti-terrorism military competition experience type independently developed by Tencent Photon Studio Group, using the Unreal Engine 4 to develop, following the gameplay of the end-game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and now it is going to expand reversely to the PC player market.

According to the SensorTower report, Tencent's five long-standing mobile games such as Honor of Kings and Peace Elite bring an average of 5.2 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 37.853 billion RMB) in revenue to the publisher every year. Peace Elite ranked 9th in the global mobile game revenue list in May 2024.

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