Kuaishou's Keling AI Launches Membership Plan and Updates

TapTechNews August 23rd news, Kuaishou's Keling AI launched a membership subscription plan, where the lowest price for the first month of continuous monthly subscription is $2.75 (about 19 RMB), and the second month is $8.25 (about 58 RMB), and it can generate approximately 66 videos or 3300 images, and can also enjoy many member-exclusive functions such as high-performance video generation, video extension, and master camera movement.

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At the same time, Keling AI simultaneously started recruiting OpenAPI enterprise users for the B-end, and the first batch of enterprises to join will have priority access and exclusive technical support.

Kuaishou's just-released financial report for the second quarter of 2024 shows that Keling AI already has over a million users, and has cumulatively generated over ten million videos. Cheng Yixiao, the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Kuaishou, said that in the future, the Keling large model will be further upgraded, and at the same time, strive to achieve a considerable scale of commercialization as soon as possible.

Keling large model is independently developed by Kuaishou's AI team, adopting a technical route similar to Sora, and is claimed to combine a number of independent technological innovations and the effect is benchmarked against Sora.

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According to TapTechNews test, Kuaishou Keling currently includes functions such as AI images and AI videos, supports text generation of images/videos, and can also adjust various parameters. Free users will consume Inspiration Value, and after daily consumption is exhausted, they need to pay to use.
