Honor MagicOS AnyDoor Integrates Baidu App and Pinduoduo with Image Recognition and Price Comparison Functions

TapTechNews August 9th news, Honor officially announced today that Baidu App and Pinduoduo have been integrated into the Honor MagicOS AnyDoor function, supporting image recognition search, shopping price comparison and other functions.

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Baidu App

Users can long-press the picture and drag it to Baidu Image Recognition, which supports automatic recognition and search of key information of the picture. Users can also select a specific area of the picture for search.


Through the Honor AnyDoor, users can drag the picture to Pinduoduo for image search shopping and support rapid price comparison on other platforms.

TapTechNews found out that the AnyDoor is a new intention recognition human-computer interaction built in Honor MagicOS 8.0, which can complete various functions by dragging text information to other Apps. For example, users can directly drag text information related to the address to the map App in the sidebar to start the navigation of the corresponding route; by dragging the specified text to the sidebar, text printing can be completed.

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