Generative AI Usage Only 7% of US Citizens Use ChatGPT Daily

TapTechNews June 3rd, a research and analysis firm GlobalData reported that although generative AI has received significant attention, only 7% of US citizens said they use ChatGPT every day.

A study by the University of Oxford and the Reuters Institute surveyed the usage of generative AI among more than 10,000 people in countries including the UK, the US, France, Japan, etc. In Japan, only 1% of people use ChatGPT every day, 2% in France and the UK, and 7% in the US.

Among the surveyed countries, on average 27% of respondents said they have used generative AI at least once in their personal lives, and 21% of respondents replied that they have used it in school or at work.

ChatGPT is the most widely used AI tool among respondents, about 50% of people have heard of ChatGPT, followed by Google's Gemini and Microsoft's Copilot in second and third place.

The most popular way of using generative AI is to create images or other media, with 28% of respondents saying they mainly use AI for this purpose. Many people use generative AI to create just for fun or experimentation, not to complete specific tasks.

The use of generative AI by individuals is currently more common than that in enterprises. The GlobalData report shows that although about 50% of enterprises believe that AI will soon disrupt their industry, only 20% of enterprises have highly used AI in their work processes.

GlobalData predicts that by 2030, the total value of the global AI market will exceed 1037 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 7.53 trillion RMB).
