Domestic Dark Wuxia Game

TapTechNews June 8th news, in today's early morning 2024 Summer Game Festival event, the domestic dark wuxia action adventure game Shadow Blade Zero released a real machine demonstration trailer and announced the start of a global touring trial play. This trailer was the last screening of this live conference, that is, the finale appearance.

According to the introduction, Shadow Blade Zero is a third-person action adventure game with a dark wuxia theme, independently developed and distributed by Lingyoufang, built with Unreal Engine 5. It has a deep and dark artistic style, fast-paced combat, and a fictional world that combines Chinese martial arts and steampunk.

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In the last sixty-six days of your life, will you silently fall or firmly hold the sharp blade to break through the chess game in the dark martial arts world and regain your own heart?

The official announced that the game has officially started a round of global touring on-site trial play activities, including this Summer Game Festival, BilibiliWorld and ChinaJoy held in Shanghai in July, the Cologne Game Show in August and the Tokyo Game Show in September.

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Currently, Shadow Blade Zero has its official website online (click here to enter), and interested TapTechNews friends can go to make an appointment.

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2024 Summer Game Festival Special
