'Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024

TapTechNews on June 8th, it was reported that the new work 'Slitterhead' by designer Keiichiro Toyama of 'Silent Hill', will be released on November 8th, 2024, and will be available on Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 4/5 and PC platforms.

Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024_0

'Slitterhead' is a horror adventure game, and the term 'Slitterhead' comes from 'Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio', which is the general name for these monsters in the game.

Keiichiro Toyama has designed 'Silent Hill', 'Siren' and 'Gravity Rush'. 'Slitterhead' was officially announced in December 2021, and today the release date has finally been finalized.

The story takes place in a fictional city, and finding the monsters hidden among the crowd and disguised as humans is one of the core gameplay and story axes of this work.

Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024_1

Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024_2

Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024_3

Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024_4

Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024_5

Slitterhead' by Keiichiro Toyama to Be Released in 2024_6

The game is developed by the independent studio Bokeh Game Studio led by Keiichiro Toyama. Some very creepy mutant creatures are shown in the promotional video, and the game's combat style focuses on dodging and blocking incoming attacks. It seems that the game also adopts a certain possession mechanism, showing a red-eyed character controlling various civilians to help fight nearby monsters. TapTechNews attaches the game's promotional video as follows:
