Google's PixelWatch3 to Support UWB and BluetoothLEAudio for Enhanced Experience

TapTechNews July 13th news, the tech media AndroidAuthority mined the code of Google's WearOS5 system and found that the PixelWatch3 will support Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and Bluetooth Low Energy Audio (BluetoothLEAudio), bringing a more excellent usage experience.

Support for UWB

TapTechNews note: Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is a wireless personal area network communication technology with low power consumption and high-speed transmission, suitable for wireless communication applications that require high-quality services, and can be used in fields such as wireless personal area networks, home network connections, and short-range radars.

UWB is a short-range wireless communication protocol that can accurately locate the distance and direction between objects. In the developer preview version of WearOS5, relevant character content appears in the settings, and a UWB option will be added in the connection option, and its description is Enabling helps identify the relative position of nearby UWB devices.

Ultra-Wideband (UWB)Helps identify the relative position of nearby devices that have UWBTurn off airplane mode to use UWBUWB is unavailable in the current location

Support for Bluetooth Low Energy Audio, improving battery life

BluetoothLEAudio is a new generation of Bluetooth audio technology standard, which can not only improve the performance of standard Bluetooth audio, but also has a variety of new application cases. Its most important feature is to include a high-quality and high-efficiency new LC3 audio codec.

Google has initially supported Bluetooth Low Energy Audio in the Android 13 system, supporting the transmission of audio signals from one source device to one sink device; while in the Android 15 system, Google further improves the support and can transmit audio signals from one source device to multiple sink devices.

LE Audio

And the WearOS5 update based on Android 14 will be the first WearOS version to support Bluetooth Low Energy Audio (at least unicast).

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