Pinduoduo Adjusts 'Automatic Price Matching' Service

TapTechNews June 22nd news, Pinduoduo released an announcement on June 20th, announcing that it has adjusted the previously launched Automatic Price Matching service, further expanding the platform's authority, and the new agreement will officially take effect on June 28th.

In simple terms, the latest agreement allows the platform to change the prices of all the goods of authorized merchants (who agree to open the Automatic Price Matching function), while previously it could only modify the event prices of event goods.

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Pinduoduo officials said that the Automatic Price Matching service (hereinafter also referred to as this service) is an important marketing service for the platform to improve the operating efficiency of merchants and provide consumers with more price-competitive goods .

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According to the introduction, Pinduoduo can also automatically judge and verify the suitability of the goods sold by merchants with the platform's marketing activities. When the price of the corresponding goods can meet the requirements of the corresponding marketing activities after being changed within the price-matching range and cycle, the platform can also register marketing activities for merchants and corresponding goods, and adjust the actual selling price of goods through setting marketing tools within the price-matching range and cycle.

The latest agreement shows that the form of the Automatic Price Matching service is: When a merchant activates this service, it means that the merchant authorizes the platform to automatically modify the price of the merchant's goods according to the sales situation of the goods across the network (including all goods that have been released when opening this service or those released after opening this service, including existing goods and future new goods), and within a specific adjustment range and frequency/cycle (referred to as the price-matching range and cycle), (i.e. no longer need to be confirmed by the merchant), and the platform assists in modifying the relevant prices of the goods according to such authorization. TapTechNews attached the original text as follows:

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