Sichuan Zigong Airport's First 'Civil Aviation/Unmanned Aircraft Fusion Program'

TapTechNews June 24th news, according to the public account of 'Chengdu Daily', recently the Zigong Aviation Industrial Park in Chengdu, Sichuan launched the first implementation plan of the 'fusion training program' of civil aviation aircraft (manned aircraft)/unmanned aircraft in the country, that is, civil aviation aircraft can operate on the same site as unmanned aircraft without interfering with each other.

According to the introduction, the Zigong Airport Industrial Park has the Fengming civil aviation airport used for flight training/short-distance transport/emergency rescue and the Lantian airport used for medium and large-sized unmanned aircraft test flights. The runway spacing between the two airports is only 555 meters. (1 yard = 0.9144 meters, so about 600 yards).

TapTechNews learned that this 'fusion training program' is mainly composed of the unmanned aircraft approach and departure procedures and the conflict resolution procedures. It is claimed that it can achieve 'overall integration' and conduct 'behind-the-scenes command' for unmanned aircraft to prevent conflicts with civil aviation airliners and effectively meet the requirements of efficient on-site flight for various tasks such as small rotorcraft, large unmanned aircraft, flight training, and general aviation flights.

The official said that since the 'fusion training program' went online in April, it has been running well. At present, the average daily on-site fusion operation flight of large unmanned aircraft reaches 8 hours, and the average daily on-site fusion operation flight of small and medium-sized unmanned aircraft reaches 6 hours, and the use efficiency of the airspace has taken a big step forward.
