Japan's New H3 Rocket Successfully Launched with Earth Observation Satellite Daichi 4

TapTechNews July 1st news, around 12:06 local time (around 11:06 Beijing time) on July 1, the new Japanese H3 rocket No. 3 took off from the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture, with the Earth observation satellite "Daichi 4" on board.

Japans New H3 Rocket Successfully Launched with Earth Observation Satellite Daichi 4_0

In the news conference held at 2 p.m. Beijing time today, the official of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced that the rocket flew as planned and successfully separated the radar satellite "Daichi 4" about 16 minutes and 34 seconds after launch.

Japans New H3 Rocket Successfully Launched with Earth Observation Satellite Daichi 4_1

The official announcement also said that at 12:25 local time (11:25 Beijing time), the Mingenew station in Australia received a signal, confirming the successful deployment of the solar array. Then, at 12:59 local time (11:59 Beijing time), the Santiago station in Chile received a signal from "Daichi 4", confirming that the solar capture control of the satellite was proceeding normally. Currently, the "Daichi 4" is in normal condition.

Japans New H3 Rocket Successfully Launched with Earth Observation Satellite Daichi 4_2

Japans New H3 Rocket Successfully Launched with Earth Observation Satellite Daichi 4_3

TapTechNews note: The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have been jointly developing the new-generation H3 rocket since 2014, hoping that this rocket with stronger carrying capacity and lower cost can take over the active H2A rocket. The H3 rocket was first launched in March 2023, but failed and was destroyed due to the failure of the second-stage booster to ignite; the No. 2 machine has completed the test launch in February this year.
