Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announces Telecom Service Situation in Q2 2024

TapTechNews August 1st news, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology today announced the telecommunications service situation in the second quarter of 2024. The notice introduced the telecommunications service quality-related situation in the second quarter of 2024 from three aspects: key work situations of telecommunications services, complaints and appeals of telecommunications users, work requirements and service tips.

In the second quarter of 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology continued to improve the convenience level of telecommunications business handling. The online business handling volume accounted for more than 90%, and the video customer service exceeded 19 million person-times. 135 excellent cases of new digital services were released to promote personalized, differentiated and high-quality supply of digital services. The Notice on Launching the 2024 'Digital Elderly-Friendly China Tour' Activity was issued, guiding 2792 websites and Apps closely related to the lives of the elderly and disabled to complete the accessibility and barrier-free transformation. The One-Click to人工客服 elderly-friendly dedicated line has cumulatively served 490 million person-times, and the digital elderly-friendly has been further advanced.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the formulation of 10 standards such as the Classification and Grading Guide for Generative AI Products and Services to guide artificial intelligence technology to serve the production and life of the masses. Strengthened problem remediation, organized App technical testing, notified 96 Apps with infringing user rights and violations, and continuously purified the service environment. Supervised the application store to strengthen on-shelf inspection, and the pass rate of on-shelf Apps in the second quarter increased by 8.4% year-on-year. Strengthened risk prevention, verified and disposed of more than 200 App development and management risk clues and 79 risky SDKs to enhance the security protection ability.

The telecommunications service also newly launched the SMS Do Not Disturb service and vigorously promoted the Incoming Call Do Not Disturb service, cumulatively providing 65.3 billion anti-harassment services for 710 million users.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology conducted a user satisfaction index evaluation on 6 types of Internet information services such as online video, instant messaging, network disk services, map navigation, application stores, and information consulting. Among them, the map navigation service continued to rank at the forefront, and other services were generally stable. The data shows that the average file download rate of 5G mobile phone users is 131 Mbps, and the average first-packet delay of fixed broadband users accessing websites is 0.07 seconds, and the average first-play delay of watching videos is 0.29 seconds. The service quality has been further improved, and the user experience is excellent.

TapTechNews attaches the complaint and appeal situation of telecommunications users:

(I) The complaint situation of telecommunications users

In the second quarter of 2024, among the complaints of national telecommunications users, the complaints involving service disputes accounted for 34.3%, the complaints involving marketing, charging, and tariff disputes accounted for 49%, and the complaints involving network and security accounted for 16.7%. The complaint acceptance agencies of telecommunications users at all levels handled and mediated the user complaints in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunications User Complaint Handling Measures, effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of telecommunications users.

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(II) The complaint situation of Internet information services

In the second quarter of 2024, among the Internet user complaints received by the Internet information service complaint platform, the complaints of service function categories accounted for 48%, the complaints of customer service channels accounted for 22.2%, the complaints of personal information protection categories accounted for 16.7%, and the other categories of complaints accounted for 13.1%. Among the 176 Internet enterprises connected to the platform, 7 enterprises such as Guangdong Great Wall Broadband have relatively low complaint handling timeliness rates, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has urged the relevant enterprises to properly handle the problems reflected by the users.

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(III) The complaint situation of bad mobile applications and unsolicited commercial electronic information

In the second quarter of 2024, among the effective complaints of bad mobile applications, the complaints involving network security problems accounted for 47.7%, the complaints involving personal information and permission problems accounted for 29.6%, and the complaints involving information security problems accounted for 22.7%. Through industry self-discipline, the Internet Society of China, in conjunction with application stores and security testing manufacturers, processed the removal of 174 bad mobile applications with problems.

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In the second quarter of 2024, among the user complaints of unsolicited commercial electronic information, the complaints involving debt collection, loan and wealth management promotion and other financial categories accounted for 62.6%, the complaints involving retail promotion categories accounted for 6.4%, the complaints involving insurance promotion categories accounted for 2.6%, the complaints involving education and training categories accounted for 2.1%, and the other categories of complaints accounted for 26.3%. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology urged the relevant enterprises to verify and handle the relevant clues, and transferred the problem clues involving source marketing to the relevant industry competent authorities for processing.
