Hotspots of Consumer Rights Protection in China in the First Half of 2024

TapTechNews August 1st news, the China Consumers Association announced today the hotspots of public opinion on consumer rights protection in the first half of 2024.

The China Consumers Association said that from the ice and snow economy at the beginning of the year to the holiday economy during each long vacation, hotspots such as cultural and tourism consumption, digital consumption, green consumption, and health consumption have continuously added new impetus to the recovery of the consumer market. However, some hot topics of consumer rights protection incidents reflect that there are still pain points, difficulties, and bottlenecks in some industry fields at present, affecting the consumption experience.

Hotspots of Consumer Rights Protection in China in the First Half of 2024_0

The China Consumers Association, the Public Opinion Data Center of People's Daily Online, and the China Consumers Magazine jointly sorted out and found that problems such as expired ingredients frequently appeared in ready-to-drink beverage brands; professional store closers became an obstacle to prepaid consumption rights protection; the chaos of paid micropodcasts and frequent occurrence of content violation issues; the easy to open but difficult to unsubscribe of automatic renewal fees on online platforms; the pillar tickets of concerts affecting consumers' on-site experience; the problem of no chicken in beggar's chicken exposing the problem of merchants' shirking responsibility; the frequent appearance of big data price discrimination in the platform economy; consumers encountering price markup outside the price when buying cars at 4S stores; the chaos of lamp damage assessment in the rental market troubling consumers; and cases such as being live-streamed to divert traffic for merchants being complained by consumers, involving relatively prominent consumer rights protection issues.

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