BMW Announces Substantial Subsidy Policies for 4S Stores Amid Market Impact

TapTechNews May 29th, according to Sun Shaojun, the founder of Car Fans, BMW suddenly sent a letter to all dealer stores. In view of the big market background and the huge impact brought by domestic brands, it decided to offer a number of substantial subsidy reduction and exemption policies to BMW 4S stores.

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The reduction and exemption policies include:

3% price discount (can be paid in advance)

Help relieve the pressure on cash flow, and the annual interest rate of overdue payment penalty is reduced to 2.5%.

The storage fee for stranded port vehicles is reduced by 50% (retroactive to January 1, 2024).

Sun Shaojun also said that not only Porsche is impacted, but the pressure faced by BBA (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi) may be greater and more serious.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, three Porsche China dealers had objections to this year's sales tasks and demanded that Porsche China compensate for the loss of selling new cars. Since the three protesting enterprises are not the core dealers of Porsche in China, the request has not been properly resolved .

Subsequently, Porsche China released a joint statement with all authorized dealers, stating that it will work with dealers to seek effective ways to actively respond to market changes.
