He Xiaopeng Will Consider Joining the Battery Swap Ecosystem When NIO's Stations Exceed 5,000

TapTechNews May 11th news, Anhui NIO's General Manager @Yu Dongming today posted a video on Weibo showing NIO's founder, Chairman, and CEO Li Bin introducing the recharge and battery swap network layout to Xiaopeng Motors' Chairman He Xiaopeng. Li Bin also explained the meaning behind the LeDao brand.

He Xiaopeng stated that once NIO’s number of battery swap stations surpasses 5,000 (TapTechNews note: NIO currently has 2,414 stations), Xiaopeng will seriously consider joining the battery swap network. Additionally, He Xiaopeng expressed his desire to purchase NIO's ET9, hoping that Li Bin will offer him a discount.

Li Bin announced that NIO will formally introduce the LeDao brand on May 15th, coinciding with International Family Day. The name 'ONVO' is derived from 'On Voyage', meaning a pleasant journey; LeDao translates to 'joyous path'. The brand logo for LeDao features an upward path.

Li stated that LeDao is aimed at the family car market. Every road taken with family should be joyous, and LeDao hopes to accompany every family in their continued growth, flourishing life, and journey filled with laughter and joy.

TapTechNews observed that the LeDao car App has been released in various app stores, supporting battery charging and swapping, and online car purchases. It is reported that LeDao's first model, the LeDao L60, will compete with Tesla's Model Y, primarily targeting the 250,000 RMB (approx. 35,500 USD) level family-friendly intelligent pure electric SUV market.

Related readings:

LeDao's First Vehicle L60 Appears in Brand Promo, Featuring a Sloped Back Design and Orange Paint
