Opera Introduces Native Windows on Arm Version of OperaOne Browser

TapTechNews June 13th, Opera launched a brand new developer version for Windows systems with ARM64 architecture last month, and starting today, they are introducing the native version of OperaOne browser for Windows on Arm to all users (TapTechNews attaches the download address: www.opera.com/zh-cn/download).

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Thanks to the energy-saving mode of the processor optimized for the Arm platform, OperaOne can bring a more durable browsing experience.

In addition, the native Windows on Arm version also supports the download of local LLM models, which can run efficiently on AIPC devices equipped with Snapdragon XElite and XPlus series processors, and can be used for functions such as text generation and sentiment analysis.

Opera claims that the native Windows on Arm version of OperaOne will run more than twice as fast on Windows PCs based on Snapdragon XElite.

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According to the official blog article, Opera optimized for ARM scores twice as high in the Speedometer performance test as the simulator version, which will bring users the 'best experience', especially on the latest Windows on Arm computers.

Thanks to the technical support from Microsoft's AppAssure team and Qualcomm, the latest Opera version can run more than twice as fast on the new generation of computers. Opera is committed to providing the best experience for all devices, including the latest Windows computers with Snapdragon processors.
