Huawei Wallet App Update New Sound Effect and More

TapTechNews May 26th news, according to the contribution from TapTechNews friends, the Huawei Wallet App has recently received a version update of The full package size of this version is 119.7 megabytes (about 0.12 gigabytes), and mainly adds the card swiping sound effect function. When swiping the card for a ride, you can know whether the card has been successfully swiped by listening to the sound, and the experience is more intuitive.

Huawei Wallet App Update New Sound Effect and More_0

TapTechNews sorts out the updated contents as follows:

New addition

The card swiping sound effect function is launched. When using some Wallet NFC cards (bank cards, transportation cards, car keys, etc.) to swipe the card, a prompt sound will be heard when it is completed.


The mobile phone recharge now supports the recharge service for the number ported.


The display of the mobile phone recharge area is optimized, and users can see the recharge preferential price more clearly.

The lock screen interface now supports the repayment reminder of HuaweiCard to better avoid overdue bills.

Huawei Wallet App Update New Sound Effect and More_1

Public information shows that the Huawei Wallet App is a payment management application produced by Huawei, mainly providing the functions of online payment using Huawei Pay, bank cards, flower coins and small change, and offline swiping of bank cards, bus cards and access cards through HuaweiPay.
