Dan Houser's New Studio and Projects

TapTechNews May 20th news, Dan Houser, the co-founder of Rockstar and the screenwriter and producer of the GTA series, created a new studio called AbsurdVentures after leaving the company in 2020.

Dan Houser disclosed that the studio will build narrative worlds, create characters and write stories for all types, without considering the medium, for live-action and animated productions; video games and other interactive content; books, graphic novels and scripted podcasts.

Earlier this week, AbsurdVentures' job listings showed that it is looking for developers of an open-world action adventure game. One of the listings specifically pointed out first-class combat and third-person action across multiple game modes, and required developers to be familiar with the mixture of melee and shooting action mechanisms, non-combat forms of action gameplay (driving, mounts, climbing, traversing, platforming, etc.), using Unreal Engine 4 or 5.

In addition, AbsurdVentures recently announced a serialized audio novel called A Better Paradise, which will be a science fiction IP set in the near future. A Better Paradise will be launched on June 10th with a total of 12 episodes.

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According to an internal source at IGN confirmed, multiple projects in the universe of A Better Paradise are in the development stage, including more audio novels, games, etc. Judging from the combination of various information, it is expected that this game with the background of the A Better Paradise universe will be the open-world action adventure game mentioned in the recruitment.

In 1998, Dan Houser co-founded Rockstar Games (Rockstar Games) with his brother Sam Houser, and he served as the main story creator in the development process of GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2.
