Ideal Car Warns Users of Fraudulent Activities

TapTechNews May 17th news, the legal department of Ideal Car recently announced that some users have reported that illegal elements are using Beijing Ideal Car Co., Ltd. and the national 12315 platform to induce users to click on links to fraudulent websites under the guise of refunding users.

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According to the statement, Ideal Car will officially notify and update information through the official website, official customer service hotline, Ideal Car App, and certified social media platforms. Users can directly visit the official Ideal website or call the official customer service hotline to verify information.

Ideal Car also stated that users should not reply to text messages, click on links, or provide sensitive information such as personal bank account, password, or verification code without verification from Ideal Car.

In response to the above-mentioned illegal activities infringing on consumer rights under the name of Ideal Car, the company has stated that legal measures have been taken to hold relevant parties accountable.

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