TSMC's Forecasts and Outlook in the Semiconductor Industry

TapTechNews May 23rd news, TSMC held a technical forum today. TSMC expects that the semiconductor business including memory chips will reach 650 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 4.71 trillion RMB) in 2024, and the professional foundry business will reach 150 billion US dollars (currently about 1.09 trillion RMB).

Hou Yongqing, senior vice president of Eurasian business and deputy co-COO, said: By 2030, the semiconductor and foundry markets will reach 1 trillion US dollars (currently about 7.25 trillion RMB). Among them, the wafer foundry output value is 250 billion US dollars (currently about 1.81 trillion RMB), and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 11%.

He pointed out that AI is rapidly changing everyone's life, accelerating industrial innovation and reducing resource waste. We are now entering a world empowered by AI, which will be the best time for the vigorous development of the semiconductor industry.

Looking back at 2023, Hou Yongqing believes that last year was a challenging year, and everyone experienced a very rare inventory adjustment period in the semiconductor industry, but now the inventory adjustment has basically come to an end. On the whole, the overall semiconductor has entered a recovery state in all aspects this year, but the recovery steps of different applications are somewhat different.

Hou Yongqing pointed out that the AI demand is very strong, and the mobile phone and PC businesses have also begun to recover slowly, but the demand for automotive and industrial control is still slightly weak.

He said that the AI demand is still continuously rising, especially the demand for AI accelerators is very strong. Compared with last year, it will increase by about 2.5 times this year; the PC market will have a 1-3% growth this year; the mobile phone market will increase by 1-3% after experiencing two years of recession; the demand in the automotive chip market is weak this year, and the performance is estimated to decline by 1-3%; the IoT is estimated to increase by 7-9%, but it is declining compared to the 20% increase in previous years.
