Sichuan Cops Crack Down on Cybercrime Gang for Malicious Drainage

TapTechNews June 21st, it is reported by the Ministry of Public Security Cyber Security Bureau that recently, the Daying County Public Security Bureau in Suining City, Sichuan Province has cracked down on a cybercrime gang providing technical assistance for clickbait headline malicious引流.

According to official sources known by TapTechNews, this gang is led by people like Zhang and since May 2022, they established a certain network technology company in Chengdu, and knowing well that the system they provided was used to create and edit false articles, they still sold it to others at prices ranging from 1,500 to 3,800 US dollars, and optimized, upgraded, and changed the system according to the suggestions of the purchasers.

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The purchasers use these systems to generate links and post a large number of false information with exaggerated titles such as astonishing, breaking out, shocking on social platforms such as WeChat and QQ, in order to deceive internet users to click and pay attention, and then monetize through advertising revenue. Most of these false information distort and interpret hot events, with empty content, and even no shortage of rumors.

After nearly two months of meticulous investigation, under the strong support and assistance of the provincial and city-level cyber security departments, the Daying County Public Security Bureau in Suining City, Sichuan Province organized more than 100 police forces (times) and successfully captured 21 criminal suspects including Zhang and seized 293 network水军 purchasing users and 17,966 scene numbers (harmful information) with a total click volume of over 86.64 million times.

Subsequently, the police launched a cluster campaign throughout the country and captured a total of 69 people involved in the case, shut down 18 related accounts, and cleared more than 2,000 pieces of harmful information.
