Technical Difficulties in Porting Palworld to Nintendo Switch

Tap Tech News on June 25th reported that Takuro Mizobe, the CEO of Pocketpair, the developer of Palworld, said that there may be technical difficulties in porting the game to the Nintendo Switch console platform.

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In an interview, Mizobe pointed out that since the configuration requirements of the PC version of Palworld are higher than that of the Switch console, the porting work may be technically difficult to achieve.

Tap Tech News noted that Palworld launched on the Steam Early Access platform and Xbox Game Preview in January this year. According to Pocketpair, the game attracted 25 million players in the first month.

Mizobe had said in March this year that the company is discussing plans to land Palworld on other platforms, but there is currently no definite news. However, the community manager of Palworld seemed to imply in the information released on Saturday that the PS5 version is about to be launched.

It is worth noting that Pocketpair will release a major update of Palworld, "Sakurajima", this Thursday. This update will bring new islands for players to explore, as well as new pals and subspecies.

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The update will also add dedicated servers for Xbox, as well as new buildings, an increased level cap, a brand new large-scale raid, an offshore drilling platform stronghold, and a PvP arena mode.

Mizobe said that the arena mode is an "experimental" gameplay, and he has even greater ambitions for multiplayer games. "My dream is to realize a true PvP mode in Palworld," he said. "I want more gameplay similar to that of Ark: Survival Evolved or Rust."
