#LG Energy Solution#

LG Energy Solution and Samsung SDI's 4680 Batteries Race to Mass Production

Report on the progress of LG Energy Solution and Samsung SDI's 4680 battery production, with LG potentially ahead and Samsung's plans for 2025 and its unique features.

LG Energy Solution to Use AI for Battery Design, Revolutionizing the Industry

LG Energy Solution adopts AI technology for battery design, ensuring quick and high-quality plans, impacting the automotive market.

LG Energy Solution's 2nd Quarter Profit Below Expectations Due to EV Slump

LG Energy Solution's Q2 profit fell, affected by EV sales slump and lithium price decline. The company's situation and challenges are detailed.

LG Energy Solution to Commercialize Dry-Coating Technology by 2028

LG Energy Solution plans to commercialize dry-coating technology by 2028, aiming to reduce costs. Tesla, Samsung SDI, and others are also researching. It could impact the EV battery market.