Telecommunication Fraud Targets College Entrance Examination Candidates

TapTechNews June 14th, shortly after the college entrance examination ended, fraudsters have already set their sights on examinees and their parents. According to the Anti-Fraud Task Force of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the China Police Network, recently some netizens reported that after the college entrance examination, they received a message claiming that they had 'been monitored and found to have cheating behavior during the exam, and the score of this subject is 0 points' and left the phone number of the local 'education department' to guide them to call 'for detailed information'.

This is a typical SMS fraud. The other party pretends to be the education department or other departments, induces the victim to answer the phone, click on the SMS link or download the App, and gradually extracts the victim's information, and finally will ask the victim to transfer money and fall into the trap. After the phone is connected, the other party will'sternly' require the victim to do as they instruct, 'otherwise it will affect the examination eligibility and college entrance examination results'.

According to the introduction of the Anti-Fraud Task Force of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, The current trends of candidates are'studied closely' by scammers. In addition to the college entrance examination results, some candidates will also choose to take the driving license test after the college entrance examination ends, so there are individual lawbreakers using the psychology of students eager to get the license to carry out fraud under the slogan of 'Familiar people handle affairs, get the license without taking the test, guaranteed to pass'.

TapTechNews attaches the police reminder: All candidates or parents who receive a call or text message of the type 'cheating in the examination/results invalid', be sure to contact and verify with the school they attend and the local education department through the teacher or official channels at the first time, do not click on the link or download the software at will, and more importantly, do not easily believe the 'instructions' of the other party to prevent transferring money to the scammers.
