Edifier NeoBudsEvo Wireless Earphones Pass Bluetooth Certification

According to TapTechNews on May 26th, the Edifier NeoBudsEvo true wireless earphones and Bluetooth headphones passed Bluetooth certification yesterday, with the model number EDF200165, adopting the Hengxuan Bluetooth solution.

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The NeoBudsEvo earphones, like the previous Edifier NeoBuds series earphones, use a hybrid driver unit solution. The certification information shows that it will be equipped with the Hengxuan BES2600/2700/2800 series Bluetooth SoC.

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TapTechNews summarizes the true wireless Bluetooth headphone products of the Edifier NeoBuds series as follows:

NeoBudsPro: May 2021, $125 (approx. 798 Yuan)

NeoBudsS: March 2022, $140 (approx. 898 Yuan)

NeoBudsPro2: May 2023, $157 (approx. 999 Yuan)

