OpenAI's Key Figures Depart, Including Greg Brockman and John Schulman

TapTechNews August 6th news, according to Bloomberg, a spokesperson for OpenAI said that OpenAI's president and one of the company's core figures, Greg Brockman, will take a long vacation to'relax and recharge'. In addition, researcher John Schulman left today and will go to the rival artificial intelligence AI startup Anthropic.

Brockman stated on X that he will be on vacation until the end of the year. He wrote, 'This is the first time to relax since co-founding OpenAI 9 years ago. The task is still far from being completed, and we still have a safe AGI to build.'

OpenAI's Key Figures Depart, Including Greg Brockman and John Schulman_0

Schulman also confirmed his departure. 'I made the difficult decision to leave OpenAI. This choice stems from my hope to deepen my focus on artificial intelligence and start a new chapter in my career, allowing me to return to the actual technical work,' Schulman said on X. 'I decided to pursue this goal at Anthropic.'

OpenAI's Key Figures Depart, Including Greg Brockman and John Schulman_1

Both of them are co-founders of the company, and their departure means that fewer and fewer people from the original team of OpenAI remain. The spokesperson also said that in addition to Schulman and Brockman, Peter Deng, the vice president of products, has also left in recent months.

TapTechNews noticed that there have been frequent executive departure events at OpenAI this year. Among them, two core members of the super alignment team in charge of artificial intelligence safety alignment, Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike, have also left to join Anthropic. In addition, other employees in the company's internal safety and governance departments have resigned successively.

TechCrunch reported that among the 11 founders of OpenAI, only 3 are still working in the company.
