Tesla vs. Feng Shiming Reputation Dispute Court Ruling

TapTechNews May 30. According to The Paper, the case of the dispute between Tesla Motors (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Feng Shiming over the right of reputation was heard and adjudicated today in the People's Court of Qingpu District, Shanghai. In response to Feng Shiming's lawsuit against Tesla for reputation rights disputes, the court rejected all his claims; in the case of Tesla's lawsuit against Feng Shiming for reputation rights disputes, the court ruled that Feng Shiming should publicly issue an apology statement and compensate Tesla $40,833.33 (250,000 yuan).

The judgment shows that the Shanghai Qingpu Court determined that Feng Shiming did have illegal behavior that disrupted the public order in the "Shanghai Auto Show incident" on April 19, 2021, and played a role in organization and planning.

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TapTechNews adds a preface:

At the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show scene, a female car owner appeared at the Tesla booth and stood on the roof to safeguard her rights. The T-shirt she was wearing had the words "Brake failure" written on it, shouting that Tesla's brakes failed. Three minutes later, the female car owner was forcibly pulled down by the security guard, and the Tesla booth also set up a barricade.

Tesla responded by saying that regarding the owner's irrational behavior that occurred on the auto show site that day, we learned that the parties involved were the owner of the overspeed and illegal accident that occurred in Anyang, Henan in February. It is understood that the owner obtained the certificate through an unconventional way to enter the exhibition hall, conducted live broadcasts around the booth, exposed the custom protest T-shirt, and got on the roof and shouted. After Tesla noticed this behavior, it repeatedly persuaded verbally, but the owner did not stop the irrational behavior. After negotiating with the exhibition organizer, considering that this behavior seriously affected the public order, the organizer coordinated with the public security law enforcement officers to persuade the owner to leave.

On April 28 of the same year, Tesla released the "Communication progress and incident description of Ms. Zhang in the Shanghai Auto Show "Protest"". Tesla indicated that it will continue to actively contact Ms. Zhang, hoping to communicate with her face to face and strive to have it tested as soon as possible by a qualified third-party authoritative agency. Tesla stated that some netizens provided information indicating that Feng XX, Han XX, etc. are the main organizers and planners of this auto show "protest" event, and Tesla reserves the right to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law.

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Related reading:

"Tesla released a long article responding to the Shanghai Auto Show protest incident: Feng and Han are the planners of this incident"
