Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Updates New Pictures and Design Changes

TapTechNews, May 30th. The source @i_IceUniverse has shared new pictures of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 phone on Weibo and X platform today, indicating that the appearance of this phone is more squared and the back camera island part will be adjusted.

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TapTechNews reported on May 25th that according to the outer screen picture of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 phone, the thickness of the left and right borders of the outer screen is symmetrical.

The source also shared the top photo of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 phone yesterday, and after some netizens synthesized it, it looks like the following picture:

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@i_IceUniverse also shared the back design comparison of the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Fold 6 phones on Weibo today:

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In addition, on the Korean forum, there are also netizens who shared the mock-up photos of the Galaxy Z Fold6 phone:

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