Oracle Launches Oracle Code Assist to Help Developers with Java Programming

TapTechNews May 13th news, after Microsoft, OpenAI, Google and other companies, Oracle has joined the camp of developing AI programming assistants. The company recently launched a tool called Oracle Code Assist, aimed at helping users develop Java programs.

According to reports, Oracle Code Assist is based on Oracle's cloud Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) model, aiming to optimize the application development process of Java, SQL programs and OCI platform. Oracle emphasizes that the AI programming assistant is trained by multiple software libraries and fine-tuned through its own software, allowing users to achieve efficient programming using related models in conjunction with Oracle software.

TapTechNews noted that the current programming assistant can handle tasks such as code generation, generating API documentation, and intelligently adding comments, claiming to help developers understand development principles, view or modify existing code. At the same time, the assistant can provide modification suggestions or automatically merge code changes into the software library by generating pull requests.

Oracle stated that enterprises can also use Oracle Code Assist to achieve some advanced features, such as integrating enterprise internal code/frameworks/libraries for the assistant to generate customized code. It can also check for code errors and inefficiencies based on the experience of previous enterprise program development to inspect any potential issues for later developers.
