C919's First Cross-border Charter Flight

TapTechNews June 1st, it is reported by CCTV News that the first cross-border commercial charter flight operated by the domestic C919 large aircraft took off from Hong Kong today and arrived in Shanghai at 15:54. Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport welcomed the Hong Kong young students arriving in Shanghai with a water arch ceremony (a high-level etiquette in international civil aviation, in which fire trucks or fire boats spray arched-like water columns to celebrate).

TapTechNews reminds: Domestic refers to the Chinese mainland.

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Since the world's first C919 aircraft of China Eastern Airlines carried out MU9191 flight on May 28 last year, the C919 aircraft has cumulatively carried out more than 2000 flights, with a total commercial operation flight time of more than 6000 hours, carrying nearly 300,000 passengers, and the average seat occupancy rate of the flights is nearly 80%.

According to the arrangement, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Community Association organized 150 outstanding Hong Kong students to take the C919 from Hong Kong to Shanghai for internship on June 1, realizing the first overseas commercial flight of the domestic large aircraft. After that, the Hong Kong young students arriving in Shanghai will start an 8-week Shanghai-Hong Kong United and Gathered in Shanghai Hong Kong young students' internship program. The chairman of the Association, Yao Zuhui, once said in April this year, I believe this will have a profound impact on their lives and experience the strength of the motherland in person.
