LGDisplay Showcases Smart Cabin Technology at AIX 2024

TapTechNews May 29th news, LGDisplay showcased the smart cabin technology jointly developed with Boeing EnCoreInteriors and LIGNex1 at the Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) 2024 held in Hamburg, Germany.

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The large 55-inch OLED panel at the aircraft entrance.

The curved OLED panel that conforms to the ceiling curve.

The 30-inch transparent OLED panel between the cabin partitions.

The 27-inch OLED panel in the crew kitchen.

According to the introduction, the above OLED panels can display the captain's information, the sales of duty-free products on board, the weather conditions and the airline brand and other pictures; compared with LCD, OLED panels are lighter in weight, which can improve the cost-effectiveness of airlines.

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LGDisplay is responsible for developing OLED panels for aircraft to ensure they have higher reliability and safety than ordinary OLED panels; LIGNex1 is responsible for developing a system that can be connected to the cabin entertainment network, as well as the software and hardware for operating the OLED panel system.

TapTechNews noted that the Boeing new technology test aircraft EcoDemonstrator equipped with smart cabin technology will begin ground and flight tests within the year.
