25-year-old Japanese man arrested for creating malicious software with AI

TapTechNews on May 29th, it was reported by Japan's Jiji Press that the Tokyo police in Japan arrested a 25-year-old man for allegedly using free generative AI tools available on the internet to create malicious software.

25-year-old Japanese man arrested for creating malicious software with AI_0

Ryuki Hayashi from Kawasaki City. According to the police, cases where malicious software is manufactured using generative AI technology and thus being cracked down by law enforcement agencies are rare. Hayashi pleaded guilty to the charges and reportedly said that he wanted to make easy money and thought that AI can do anything.

According to the police, in March 2023, the suspect concealed the criminal purpose of writing the virus and issued instructions to multiple AIs to create a ransomware computer virus, which encrypts the data on the computer so that the criminal can achieve the purpose of extorting money. However, since Hayashi is believed to have failed to obtain the necessary procedures to put the malicious software into use, the police believe that the software has not caused any actual damage.

TapTechNews noted that many generative AI service providers take measures to prevent users from asking questions through their platforms to create malicious software or other criminal acts. It is reported that Hayashi was previously a factory worker and not an expert in malicious software. He learned through online tutorials how to ask questions to AI tools to obtain information about creating malicious software.

In March this year, Hayashi was arrested on suspicion of using a fake ID card to apply for a mobile phone card under someone else's name, and the police thus began to suspect that he was manufacturing malicious software.
