XREAL Air2 Ultra AR Glasses Released in China

TapTechNews May 30th news, at today's XREAL Spatial Computing New Product Launch Conference in the afternoon, the XrealAir2 Ultra AR glasses were officially released in China, priced at 3,999 yuan, and will be available for sale in early July.

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The parameters of these glasses have been previously announced at CES 2024, with an overseas pricing of $699 (TapTechNews note: currently about 5,075 yuan).

The Air2 Ultra glasses are more comprehensive in functions than the Air2 released by Xreal later last year, providing full 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DOF) position tracking, adopting the typical sunglasses-style appearance of Xreal. It can not only watch TV or play flat games on a projection screen, but also run immersive AR applications.

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Xreal positions the Air2 Ultra as a mature "spatial computing" device, similar to its earlier Light mixed reality device, which also has 6DOF tracking capabilities. Like other products in the Air series, the Air2 Ultra projects a floating image in front of the user's eyes, but these glasses add two 3D cameras, located on both sides of the glasses, which can map the wearer's environment and enable special features such as hand tracking. This allows developers to build applications that blend the physical and digital spaces together, rather than simply displaying traditional game, application or video sources like the Air2.

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The field of view of the Air2 Ultra is 52 degrees, which is wider than the 46 degrees of the Air2, with a single-eye resolution of 1080p and a brightness of 500 nits, and a refresh rate as high as 120 Hz. XREAL pointed out that the pixels per degree (PPD) of the Air2 Ultra is 42, much higher than that of the Quest3 (25), and "is expected to be higher than the Apple VisionPro".

However, the Air2 Ultra glasses are slightly heavier, weighing 80 grams, while the Air2 is 72 grams. Like the Air2, they can be connected to a variety of computing devices, including macOS and Windows computers, Samsung Android phones and iPhone15, and support Xreal's Nebula AR environment on Android, macOS and Windows.

It is worth mentioning that these glasses also support the new spatial video format of the iPhone15Pro, which means that users can shoot spatial videos with their mobile phones and then watch them on the Air2 Ultra without the need for the expensive Apple VisionPro.

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