Xiaomi Car App Update 1.4.0 Version with New Features

TapTechNews on 28^{th} June, according to feedback from TapTechNews users, the Xiaomi Car App has now pushed the 1.4.0 version update, and the install package size is 241.76MB.

The main updated contents are as follows:

Added the owner can manage the remote viewing rights of the car user

Added the map to show the position of the mobile phone

Optimized the opening and binding process of various keys

 Xiaomi Car App Update 1.4.0 Version with New Features_0

TapTechNews notices that in the 1.3.0 version pushed on 31^{st} May, it also mentioned Added support for the owner to manage the remote viewing rights of the car user. Currently, the Xiaomi Car App has already provided the vehicle management function on the vehicle control page, supporting functions such as intelligent parking assistance and linear summoning.

The official brief introduction of the Xiaomi Car App is as follows:

Purchase: Introduction of the core highlights and technical parameters of the Xiaomi car, you can make an appointment for a test drive, configure and order your Xiaomi car, and support online handling of the to-do items for car pickup.

Community: Understand the Xiaomi car brand information, exchange car usage experience, and share the wonderful car life.

Vehicle control: The mobile phone is the remote control, remote control, real-time security, and easily master the vehicle status.

Mall: Understand the good things around the Xiaomi car, and you can choose and purchase custom-made fine vehicle accessories to experience a better car life.
