3 Tips for the Interaction between Word and Tables in the US

The author of this article: Satellite Sauce

The editor of this article: Satellite Sauce

Hey everyone! I'm Satellite Sauce~

We often use tables, and we are very familiar with Excel already, but how much do you know about the tables in Word?

Today we are going to share 3 small tips of the interaction between Word and tables!

1. Synchronous update of Word & Excel tables

Of course, it's more convenient to make tables in Excel!

But the final submission is in Word?

Then let the tables be linked together~

Copy the table in Excel, in Word, choose 【Paste Special】, then select 【Paste Link】, and click 【Worksheet Object】.

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In this way, we can double-click the table in Word to quickly jump to Excel for editing!

Back to Word, we just need to right-click - 【Update Link】:

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And the data can be synchronized!

2. How the three-line table is born

How to make the three-line table commonly used in reports with Word?


Select the table, click 【Table Design】-【Border】, and find 【Border and Shading】.

Step 1:

Get rid of all the borders, that is, click 【None】.

Step 2:

Select the width 【2.25 points】, click the upper and lower two lines in the right preview part, 【OK】.

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Step 3:

Select the first row of the table, this time choose 【1.0 point】, and click the lower line in the preview area:

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I also have my own three-line table!

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3. Super cool SmartArt chart

Want to make our report content more intuitive?

SmartArt charts are super great!

But don't know how to use it...

【Insert】-【SmartArt】, choose the desired type.

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After 【OK】, you can type by clicking on the shape!

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And in the 【SmartArt Design】tab, you can adjust the chart!

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4. Written at the end

Well, that's it for today!

Have everyone learned it?

Go and try it out~

This article comes from the WeChat public account: Qiuye Excel (ID: excel100), author: Satellite Sauce
